There are days when I feel my head filled with creativity. Stories for my blog! A creation waiting to be formed. And there are days like today when I feel my head crammed with ideas and general stress - but no clear thoughts. Just all jumbled up. So - it is times like these when I make lists.
Things that bother me:
1) Running into people because they don't follow the unspoken rule of "stay to the right".
2) Running out of napkins.
3) Having to figure out grown-up stuff like taxes and insurance.
4) Not having flying cars by now.
5) Cake with nuts or fruit.
6) Cookies with raisins, nuts, or fruit mixed in.
Things I find hilarious:
1) Lisps on the radio.
2) People trying to be serious about things that don't matter - like taxes and insurance.
3) Witty jokes that are left unexplained.
4) Middle school students.
Things that matter:
1) Relationships
2) Finding ways to be kind
3) Being kind
Things that don't matter
1) Everything else
It's the napkins. Gaah, they put me in a rage.
MOM!! I was just talking to someone about how I HATE when people don't stay to the right, like 5 minutes ago. I am shocked that you wrote that it was going to be the subject of my next blog.
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