Monday, June 30, 2008

Raspberries and Cupakes!

Yesterday I noticed the first raspberry of the season on the raspberry bush just outside my back door. Isn't it cool? I gave it to G, and he enjoyed it. Today I went to Cupcake with my friend K. I had a moo moo cupcake. It was chocolate with cream cheese frosting. Yum. So, it was cupcake day #3. Today was the first day of summer that I have not had to work so I felt the usual no-work anxiety creeping up. I did lots of laundry and hung it out to dry. I went for a long bike ride and took a short nap. I cleaned my daughter's room. But still, I feel anxious. What gives?


Anonymous said...

Well done for this wonderful blog.

Snag said...

Your blog of wonder is bringing me much reading fun.