I'm okay with sharing the wealth, spreading it out. It's surprising to me that the idea of "sharing the wealth" is thought of as bad in any way. What's bad about helping those who are less fortunate? What's bad about helping someone if you have a little more to give? It's ironic that those who tend to put themselves in the extremely Christian camp seem to be unable to remember the big message. Be nice to one another! Sheesh.
I went to my 25 year high school reunion on Saturday. It was a fun time. I'm both glad I went and glad it is over. It is similar to a family gathering. Even though we have all lived completely separate lives for the last 25 years and have seen nothing of one another, we all revert back to exactly how we acted when we were snotty nosed teenagers hanging around the high school. The snooty people were still snooty (but a little chubby), the quiet difficult people were still unable to carry on much of a conversation. There were some shining stars. One in particular was inspiring. Here was a woman who was not in the "cool" crowd and sometimes made fun of. Here she was the most beautiful woman in the room, strong, smart, humble, and really really funny. I love it when that happens! GO TO YOUR REUNIONS PEOPLE. You'll never regret it.